It was Thursday night when I dreamed about this..
It was Sunday, and the pastor (whom I think was dad) was on the stage – preaching. After he delivered the message for that morning, he called the “youth” to lead instead of those initially assigned. “Yung mga youth nga ang mag-lead”, he announced. I don’t know why, but it was Giovan, Grace, and I who went up to the stage. There were other young people who also went up the stage to lead, but I couldn’t remember their faces very well. I then lead the worship while Giovan played the guitar as Grace backed me up.
I then woke up.
I just thought maybe I would be given another chance to lead for the Sunday service. I got thrilled, yes, but my thoughts about my dream didn’t go any further.
I shared about my dream with Giovan, Julius, Vanj, and my buddy Jen while we were preparing for the Friday youth service.
Out of my expectations (and probably my worship team mates’), on Saturday, while we were preparing for the practice, I was suddenly assigned to lead! Total wow. The line-up was surprisingly outlined immediately not out of rush, but out of the songs and messages the Lord has placed in my heart for the previous days.
- No Higher Calling // Hosanna (Blessed be the Rock)
- Awesome in this Place
- My Redeemer Lives
- This is How We Overcome
- Emmanuel
- The Stand
- I Stand in Awe of You

Some of His works may appeal surprising to me, but I know that as I live in and for Him, things will not be “nagkataon lang”.
Psalms 31:15 says “My times are in Your hand...".
Thank you, Lord. May you find me a faithful steward.
(photo on the right taken after the service. waley!)
Hey Jez! haha! Wow.. 3rd time already! haha! I bet you're doing great Jez! haha... keep it up! =D may God strenghten you always and overflow your cup with his joy and blessings! =D
aik! I mean 4th time! haha! oh and I like your blue err... shirt-dress? XP haha! really nice..
Haha. Yeah, it was my 4th.
Thanks for always encouraging me through your words, Ben. God bless you, too!
. . .and I second the motion. Nakak-bless ka.
Korak! Walang "nagkataon lang" sa'ting mga Kristiyano.
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