Jezreel Faith Manugue Jez Manugue JRC Jesus Revival Church G12 St. John's Academy CLSU

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Fruits and Advancement

It has been almost two weeks since Ptr.Phillip, our youth pastor for more almost 3 years (and I’d like to believe is still my youth pastor), came from KSA. Missed him so much!

Every time he’s in the country, the Lord would always give me a venue to deeply evaluate our works for the youth ministry. Last Thursday, we (youth net leaders) had a meeting/ fellowship with Ptr.P.. we shared updates about the ministry, cell groups.. Talked about a lot of things, but there were two that really awed me: (1) seeing how far we’ve gone in our Christian walk (I know there’s still a long exciting journey ahead, though). As we reminisced, I commented, “dati hindi uso yung nagbabasa ng Bible at consistent sa prayer life, pero ngayon, pag wala ka nun..”, “hindi ka IN”, said some, finishing my sentence. How the youth leaders have supernaturally matured in faith is,