Jezreel Faith Manugue Jez Manugue JRC Jesus Revival Church G12 St. John's Academy CLSU

Friday, April 20, 2007

Times of Refreshing

I feel like I am so into blogging nowadays. I wanted to read blogs (as they drive me to blog, blog, and blog!)
I suddenly wanted to take pictures of my usual activities such that I could post them here or at my other blog sites.
Anyway, I want to share something.

Weeks ago, I had a problem with my relationship with God. I haven't had much time for devotion and worship. I wasn't able to dance during Sunday services for weeks--and I gave people different excuses. What everyone do not know is that I am actually suffering from poor Christian life, thus I was becoming weaker and weaker. I had the form but I lacked the power.
In correlation to these things, I had cold relationships with people around me, especially the church people. I suffered from having a very hushed relationship with my pastors. I wasn't able to attend agape meetings, cell groups, fellowships, prayer meetings, and all like. Ugh. I felt so guilty but I seemed to be so pathetic to attend and make fake contacts. Also, I had a mute rapport with my best friend, buddy. (Her name's not Buddy; we just call each other buddy). We had a "silent war" for weeks. No one between the two of us dared talk about it; simply because we weren't communicating in any way. *sighs*
One of the worst things that resulted from my dreadful situation is the problem that aroused among JRC dancers, my constituents. Week by week, the dancers during worship services decreased. Actually, last Sunday, it was only I and the four junior dancers who danced. Awful. Terrible.
As my buddy approached me after the service, she said sorry because it's her fault why others didn't dance. Also, she gave me a hand-written letter that's full of her pains and burdens on the status of our friendship. Hmp.
Before I would continue on my story, I want to show you a portrait of me with my buddy.

←This photo was taken last March 9 (inside a closet) during our Youth Retreat.

Going back to my story, my buddy told me (through a text msg.) that they, the senior dancers, did not plan to boycott me last Sunday as I called for a rush practice an before our regular service. It was just that all agreed that they don't feel like dancing when she, my buddy, spoken out the day before that she do not want to dance. :-(

Anyway, this afternoon, we have a scheduled agape/ Bible study meeting @ 2pm at the church. I actually do not want to go, but it was my spirit who wanted to break the desires of my worldly thoughts. I then decided to go and attend.

As I went in the church office (we had our BS there because it's too hot), they were tackling Christian living. My focus was hooked immediately to Ptra. Cecille because I wanted something to happen. I wanted a twist. I also jotted down some notes from the study.

I used an ordinary pad paper from the church office since I forgot to bring my devotional notebook.
Anyway, the verse we tackled was Psalms 1:1-6.
I actually memorize this chapter, but it's quite different from understanding and relating to it deeply than merely knowing it.
The effectiveness of having an efficient prayer life and Bible-reading life was also one of the foci of our study. Truly, I was moved. I knew God answered all my prayers in an instant (of course I prayed at the middle of these trials!).
As the meeting went on, I and my buddy became more ease with each other as we continuously cracked jokes together with the other youth (girls). Hay, thank God.
Before we ended our discussions and pep talks, I wrote something at the end of the yellow paper (could you spot it?). It seemed like a comment on a blog that said "Refreshing!".
Indeed, everything will be alright in just take one sitting, one prayer, one faith, and heart that is open before the Lord.
I have learned my lesson. It was a hard way that I went through in order to test my faith and strong will, but it was all worth it.
This blog is a testimony of how a youth like me went over the edges of ocean's big waves in order to find times of refreshing. ☺
So, have you learned another lesson?

God keep you. Good night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi Jez! i dropped by the other day but I forgot to leave comments. It's nice to hear that you're spiritually refreshed and that you're friendship with your buddy is restored. Looking forward for more posts! God bless!