Jezreel Faith Manugue Jez Manugue JRC Jesus Revival Church G12 St. John's Academy CLSU

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

-Ber time again (what have I become?)

Here goes the -Ber-month blog! It's tradition already :-D
What's good about this 'tradition' is that I get to see and analyze changes --physical, spiritual, etc-- in me through the years.
So anyway, what do I love about -Ber months? Technically, it gives the appeal of the pasko (Christmas) season.

Here's what I'm looking forward to having for the rest of the -ber months:
finishing my thesis' first part, sem break, trip to anAsian country (my hopes are up!), celebrating my last teenage birthday (sigh.bigat sa loob ng part na ito), my younger sister's 18th, my parents' silver wedd anniv, practices for our church's Christmas Cantata and the event itself, youth Christmas party, Christmas eve with, Dec25th at Pampanga, pre-new-year shopping, being able to bring out my jackets/coats again, and.. chapped lips :-D

Photo-digging time (a.k.a. the highlight of this blog)

And here is my picture for 2009 :)
I couldn't just present myself without them. As dad told me a few months ago, one cannot define a mother without her child/ren.
I've been ministering to these girls for years already (been a leader-leaderan back in 3rd year HS.hehe), but it has just been a year since I really became a father mother to them; spiritual mama, that is.
God has done a lot in year.. siguro para na rin to compensate for the lost time [that we didn't gave much attention to cells and the strategies of G12]. Pastor Noel Alkuino's right when he said that when there is fire and Spirit in the ministry, there's fast growth among believers. I, myself, have experienced and witnessed such skyrocket growth in my [and these girls'] Christian life[ves] for the past year. Wow. God's works are really unpredictable and amazing!

I'm excited to check out what I'll be able to write for next year's -Ber blog!
..but then, I also enjoy living and witnessing God (and The life) a day at a time :)

[on a lighter note, I look so cute back in 2005! haha.Nyee]

Related blog posts:
-BER na! (Sept'07)
SeptemBER 1 (Sept'08)


KZRemojo said...

Very nice! :-D

MERiE said...

i see a Kim Chiu in your 2005 photo.. hehe..
im so blessed to hear this about your ministry.. this is wrong but i must confess and ngl, inggit mode ako pagdating dyan T__T

Jez said...

@Merie (aka my shing): Yay! Kim Chiu :)) Oo nga no, esp nung nasa loob pa siya ng PBB house.
I'm glad you are being blessed hearing (reading) testimonies re the youth ministry. Oh, that's a holy inggit out there. :D

Pinoystory said...

Hello.. we at Christ the Living Hope Community Church found at City if San Fernando, Pampanga, Philippines connected to G12 Vision.. Please do visit our blog site who share our testimonies.. Also share tagalog,english worships,and sunday messages of our Senior Ptr. Ronald Ocampo mentored by Ptr. Albin mentored by Ptr. Oriel and who mentored by Pastor César Castellanos from Bogotá, Colombia.

please do visit our blog site at who share personal testimonies...

Thank you.. Godbless for having one heart.."Loving God, Loving People"