Jezreel Faith Manugue Jez Manugue JRC Jesus Revival Church G12 St. John's Academy CLSU

Friday, December 21, 2007

Dance Presentation for Christmas Cantata '07

It is done!

The Lord said we shall not fear because it is all done :)
These promises were where I clinged to while choreographing for our Christmas Canatata'07 dance presentation.

I have been up to a lot of important things this December that I missed to give much focus on choreographing a dance pageantry for the dance ministry.

I failed to choreog one, but thank God for His mercy that I was able to choreograph a spontaneous three-song dance number (Yehey!).

With the cooperation of the whole of JRC's Creative Dance Ministry, we were able to finish the dance presentation we will be having for our Cantata (this Sunday).
We had our first ever 7:30 AM practice yesterday, and no one was late. NO ONE! :D

We'll be dancing to the tune of the following songs:
  • Fear Not (Overture) - this is the opening number for our Christmas Canatata. We'll be doing a flag & banner dance.
  • In Your Presence (by Paul Wilbur) - an interpretative dance
  • O Jah (by, again, the great Paul Wilbur) - a pop combination of messianic & Jewish dance
  • Blow the Trumpet (by, again, my favorite Paul Wilbur) - a tambourine dance
I'm just so excited. We performed spontaneously last night, during the second last general rehearsal with the choir, and we did great! Some even were very touched and moved that they cried while watching us dance.
It was very fulfilling to hear tear-jerking comments and praises, but I give them all back to whom all glory and honor is due---Jesus!

Btw, I will only be dancing O Jah & Blow the Trumpet since it's easier on my part to focus on guiding & choreographing than on practicing on-stage.

Another btw, we already got our spanking new uniforms kanina! I won't post photos para surprise :D

Hay. I'm just excited.

Here are some photos of our practice yesterday (morning & evening):

(l-r) Carol mopping---Dance Min Seniors---In Your Presence



Anonymous said...

Jezreel! Congratulations! :-D

Anonymous said...

hello! just stumbled across your blog while searching for worship materials. im blessed =). keep going for Christ ya! God bless ya