Jezreel Faith Manugue Jez Manugue JRC Jesus Revival Church G12 St. John's Academy CLSU

Monday, December 28, 2009


Trailblazer Award
The youth leaders surprised me during our Christmas party last December 20-- I was given the Trailblazer Award.

For me, this is the most valuable tangible plaque  I've received so far (well it wasn't really a plaque-- it's made of Styrofoam!). Though I don't work and serve for appreciation and reward, receiving it sure made me feel good :-) ..well, probably because it serves as an affirmation of my passion of leading young people to constantly-accelerating faith.

One of the most valuable leadership lessons I've received from the Lord through my dad/pastor is this:
A leader is a forerunner... a trailblazer... a pioneer.

This is one of the costs of leadership -- stepping into unknown territories and un-taken roads. (I'd really want to share more about this, but I'd sound like I'm preaching already so I'd reserve my thoughts for now..)

I thanked God and gave Him the glory back after I've received that award, but I also asked if I'm really worth it. I have been reminded that I also have my personal weaknesses, but that it is not I but He who works in and through me.

You guys may not have received an actual award as such, but what a wonderful thought that spirit of The Pioneer IS IN YOU so you, too, have the innate characteristics of a trailblazer!